Kulm Hotel St. Moritz
Via Veglia 18
7500 St. Moritz
Montblanc Cutting Edge Art Collection “Everything is possible” seems to be the message the Italian concept artist Piero Golia (b. 1974) tries to express in his work. Thus, he might hang a specially dismantled façade of a two-storey Amsterdam house like a painting in a gallery room and postulate that “It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back” (2003), or, as in 2001, cross the Adriatic towards
Albania in an open scull in order to seek asylum there as an illegal Italian immigrant in a one-man reversal of the wave of Albanian refugees entering Italy. Like the heroic giant Goliath, his biblical namesake, the artist, who lives in Los Angeles, where he founded the Mountain School of Arts in 2005, aims at accomplishing heroic deeds in his performances and at steeping his person in humorous and self-mocking legends. His work “Notturno” for Montblanc seeks to convince the viewer of a new reality: it shows a manipulated photograph of a seascape that is lit by several suns, as if it were a planet out of Isaac Asimov’s influential science fiction short story “Nightfall”. In Golia’s work, one of the suns takes on the shape of the Montblanc Star.Exhibitions
2004 Cosmic Galerie, Paris
2007 Bortolami Dayan Gallery, New York
2009 Bortolami Dayan Gallery, New York